81hoopwear, a French brand merging art, fashion and the world of basketball.

Founded by two passionate young people, our brand embodies the deep love for play and self-expression through style.

For us, basketball is not just a casual hobby, it is a real way of life. A universe that animates us and pushes us to create unique pieces that resonate with lovers of the orange ball.

Our goal is simple: to allow enthusiasts, fans and players to celebrate their love for basketball through our inspiring clothing. Every piece we design is infused with basketball culture, giving everyone the opportunity to share their personality and passion in every moment.

Immerse yourself in our world where basketball meets art and fashion, and express yourself boldly with 81hoopwear .

Join us on our adventure, where creativity meets passion, and where every garment tells a story.



Inspired by the great teams and iconic cities of the North American basketball league, we have carefully created watercolor drawings representing the different teams and players that have inspired us.

Each illustration is the result of our passion and dedication, capturing the unique essence of these iconic basketball figures.

Stay tuned, as new designs are coming soon!



"I'm the Girl Your Coach Warned You About"

This collection, specially designed for women, aims to democratize talent and effort in women's basketball, demonstrating that women can compete at the highest level.


All our designs are exclusive to 81hoopwear, developed with passion by our team. Join us on our social networks or become a member of Club81 to discover and follow our creations. Stay tuned, because new surprises are coming very soon.

Thank you for your support and commitment.

Together, let's form the 81hoopwear team and inspire the world.